

KGD: Aufruf zur internationalen Solidarität mit Kobanî am 1. November

Die Kurdische Gemeinde Deutschland e.V. ruft alle Menschen, vor allem aber alle Kurden, auf sich am 01.11.2014 mit Kobanî, Sengal und Kurdistan zu solidarisieren.

An diesem Samstag werden weltweit Demonstrationen und sonstige Protestaktionen stattfinden, um sich mit Kobanî und Sengal zu solidarisieren.

Als Kurdische Gemeinde Deutschland e.V. werden auch wir diesen Tag nutzen, um unsere Solidarität mit Kobanî, Sengal und Kurdistan kund zu tun und rufen daher zu reger Beteiligung an den Demonstrationen auf.

NOVEMBER 1, 2014 will be a day of GLOBAL ACTION!

Against ISIS – For Kobanê – For Humanity!

Mobilize around the world for Kobanê!
On this day, actions, protests, demos, and events will be held worldwide to mobilize solidarity and support for Kobanê!
Invite your friends to this event for updates on actions taking place around the globe & inform us about the actions you are planning to organize on November 1!

Noam Chomsky and Archbishop Desmond Tutu signed the appeal for a global rally.

Call for global action!

ISIS launched a major multi-front military campaign against the Kurdish region of Kobanê in northern Syria. This is the third ISIS onslaught on Kobanê since March 2014. As the ISIS was unsuccessful on th…e two previous occasions, they are attacking with larger forces and want to take Kobanê.

In January this year, the Kurds in western Kurdistan (Rojava) established local administrations in the form of three cantons. One of the three cantons formed is Kobanê. The Turkish border is to the north of Kobanê and all the other sides are surrounded by ISIS-controlled territories. The ISIS has approached the Kobanê borders, using US made heavy weapons. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are threatened by the most brutal genocide in modern history. The people of Kobanê are trying to resist using basic weapons against the most brutal attacks of ISIS terrorists, with only the assistance of People’s Protection Unit in Western-Kurdistan, the YPG and YPJ, but without any international help.

Kobanê is not aloneTherefore a Global Rally against ISIS – for Kobanê – for Humanity is vital.

The so-called international coalition to fight the ISIS, have not helped Kurdish resistance effectively despite witnessing the ongoing genocide committed against Kobanê. They have not fulfilled their real international legal obligations. Some of the countries in the coalition, especially Turkey, are among financial and military supporters of the ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria.

Therefore a Global Rally against ISIS – for Kobanê – for Humanity is vital.

If the world wants democracy in the Middle East, it should support the Kurdish resistance in Kobanê. Democratic autonomy in Rojava promises a free future for all peoples in Syria. In this regard, the “Rojava Model” – the secular, non-sectarian, democratic position in Rojava is the model which practices unity in diversity.

Act Now!

It is high time to give the global players the reason to believe otherwise.

We encourage people all over the world to show their solidarity with Kobanê. Go to the streets and demonstrate.

We urge you to join the Global Rally for Kobanê

Support the Resistance against ISIS – for Kobanê – for Humanity!